San Just

Sant Just

Direccion  Calle 16A | Unit 2-73, Bogota 111711, Colombia
Telefono 4777555 -31447814 60

Transporte via uber desde el BD Bacata hasta San Just
Tiempo estimado 5 min
Precio $6.480-6.700


Camina por la calle 19 hacia el sur,voltee a la derecha entre la carrera 2a/ carrera 3 baje por la calle13, 3 cuadras (calle 18, calle 17, calle 16a) en la calle 16a encontrarás el restaurante san just.

Horario de Atencion
Lunes 11:00 PM 4:00 PM
martes 11:00 PM 4:00 PM
Miercoles 11:00 PM 4:00 PM
Jueves 11:00 PM 8:00 PM
Viernes11:00 PM 8:00 PM
Sabado11:00 PM 4:30 PM
Domingo11:00 PM 4:30 PM


Roasted Beans
Cream of Cubios
Quiche smoked paipa
Bisque Lobster
Smoked goat cheese salad
Mesclun Green
Welcome Happy.
Goat and dry tomatoes
La preccison de una passion
Duck Breast with Sake and Coffee
Filet Minong Pork
Francese Morcilla
Toulouse Sausages
Duck Hachis student menu
Acofitando duck legs
Grilled lamb olive rosemary
The wise kitchen
Francese Morcilla of Monsieur Paul
Olive oil and sea salt
Corvina Ceviche
Fresh Salmon
Robalo Quinoa
Prawns Salad
shrimp tigers
Corvina Beurre Citron
Shrimps salad
asparagus sabaneros
Le Chti Parisien
Organic tomatoes
Monsieur Ratatoullie
Goat and dry tomatoes
Caramel Apples
Goat cheese salad
Guanabana and strawberry juice
Quiche smoked paipa
Cocoa and Coffee
Vanille madagascar
Fondant Chocolat Organic Panela
Monte Negro
Sorbet tangerine and coulis
Cheese Cake
Apple and pear pie

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